Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good and Bad Dating Advice

There’s an endless supply of dating adviceavailable in this world. While someone may tell you going on a first date dressed in a duck costume is sexy, you’re probably going to discover otherwise.

Good advice
  • Always being yourself is one of the most important pieces of dating advice around. While pretending to be a better version of yourself is a natural desire, make sure it’s a better version of you, not a better version of someone else. Sooner or later, your date is going to discover the real you and have to deal with it. If there are going to personality problems, acting will only delay the issues, not prevent them.
  • Always be considerate of your date. If you’re going to be late, call to let her know. If you’re date is a vegan, don’t take him to a steak house. If your date is shy, don’t constantly abandon her to talk to others. Remember your basic manners and be considerate of your date’s feelings.

    Office Romance Etiquette

    Office Romance Etiquette an office romance taboo? Busy schedules and work combined with people focusing more on careers and starting families later in life present unique challenges on the dating scene. When you spend more time at work than at home, finding time to meet and get to know someone intimately enough to date is difficult. Because of this, dating in the office is simply logical, since employees often spend more time interacting with coworkers than with people in their personal lives.

    Single Parent Dating

    If you’ve just started dating someone with a child or children, their family—and their ex—will have an impact on your relationship, and you’ll need to know what to expect. As long as you are comfortable with getting to know the person you’re dating and her family,

    The Complications of Single Parent Dating
    There’s at least one child and an ex to deal with, for starters. Even though you are facing your own emotional challenges, try to look at the situation from the perspective of the person you are dating. Dating for single parents is even more difficult than it is for you: They have a child to care for, an ex to keep relations civil with and worries over how you feel about everything.

    You need to be honest about your fears. If you’re nervous about meeting your date’s child, talk about it so the two of you can come up with a plan of action. Additionally, don’t be scared about asking about your partner’s past. The more information you know about why the previous relationship ended and what it is like now, the less chance there is that you’ll end up blindsided.

    The Ex Will Most Likely Be Around
    If you are dating a single parent, not only will you have to deal with their child or children but also with the ex. Now, the ex may not necessarily be around all of the time, but the kids are bound to mention their other parent, and you need to be ready for this. As long as you go into the situation with the expectation that the ex will be around and involved,

    Online Dating Tips for Beginners

    Online dating seems simple. All you need to do is sign up, post some information about yourself and wait for prospective dates to roll in. You don’t even need to leave the sofa. But you aren’t likely to meet the perfect person unless you follow a few basic online dating tips.

    Getting Started

    Not all online dating Web sites are created equal. You want to choose a Web site that speaks to you and your interests.

    Think about the type of person you want to meet, and give yourself some parameters before you begin. This will help you narrow your search because you’ll be surprised at how many people are trying the site along with you.

    Dating Advice for Widows and Widowers

    After a loved one passes away, widows and widowers may feel as though they will never love again. It may take you a long time to get over your former spouse because you did not have any say in this parting. But, as time progresses, you may find yourself ready to find love or companionship again.

    It’s logical that you may feel as if dating is a betrayal of your former love. Just because you are dating someone new does not mean you no longer love your former spouse. Dealing with feelings of guilt and betrayal is a normal part of the grieving process. Talk through your emotions with friends, family or a therapist.

    If you find yourself looking around at other people or feel ready to rebuild your life, you may be ready to try dating again. Always take things slow; dating will be hard because you have many more emotions and thoughts to navigate, and you want this to be a positive experience.

    Dating With a New Partner


    In today's dating world it is not unusual for men and women to have multiple partners, especially in casual dating. Sex, sex, sex. It's everywhere from TV to magazines, and music. You think it would be easy to talk to your partner about sex when it is all around you, right?

    Usually that is not the case. Most couples avoid talking about sex before it happens. If you are having sex than you should be mature enough to talk to your partner first. With the growing rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and the HIV virus among young people it is is now more important than ever to talk about sex.

    So when is the right time to bring up sex? There is no answer because it's a different situation for everyone. The best time to talk about sex is before it happens. Talk with your partner about STDs and HIV. Get tested and make sure your partner gets tested. It is now popular to get STD and HIV testing with your partner. There are many facilities today that can accommodate these requests. Many times HIV and STD testing can be obtained free of charge. Popular myth has many people believing that condoms are the answer to everything, but they are far from an answer.

    Condoms these days are over 99 percent effective in protecting you from disease and pregnancy. Although rare, problems can arise when using condoms only. Sexually transmitted diseases are spread in many ways other than through vaginal penetration. When performing oral sex, whether you are male or female, it is possible to spread genital warts and other transmittable diseases. If you are unsure of your partners sexual history or presence of STDs than your mouth should not come in contact with their private parts. Cuts inside the mouth are especially susceptible to STDs transmitted through bodily fluids when performing oral sex.

    If you and your partner practice safe sex with condoms it is still possible to contract STDs. Infected skin around private parts like the scrotum and anus can infect unprotected skin on your partner. Condoms only cover the head and shaft of the penis and do not protect you from infected skin around the private parts. The only way to be truly safe is to practice abstinence, if this is not your dish then get tested, and make sure your partner gets tested.

    If you are in a monogamous relationship you should keep getting tested each year. Just because you are exclusive with someone doesn't mean you can't get an STD or HIV. It is proven that people cheat so never trust anyone. Get tested at least once a year for everything.

    Whether you are dating or exclusive with someone it is also important to talk about the possibility of pregnancy. Birth control and condoms are both over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, but it can still happen. If you are on birth control it is important that you take you pills each day at the same time. When you mess up your pills you are more likely to become pregnant while on the pill. There are other choices now for birth control like the patch and the ring that are much easier to use than birth control pills. Using condoms will also help reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies.

    Whether you are planning a family or not, if you are sleeping with someone you need to talk about pregnancy. Have a back up plan in case it does happen. Don't foolishly think that it can't happen to you because it can. If you are not ready to accept the responsibilities that sex brings than don't do it. Make sure that you always practice safe sex with condoms, and get tested.

    Wednesday, April 29, 2009

    Human Mating Strategies

    The Evolution of Desire (hereafter ED) David Buss addresses topics that he and his army of collaborators defined in the first place: the preferences of each gender, differences in their strategies for casual mating and for long term partnerships, maintaining relationships between spouses, conflict in sexual agendas, breaking up of partnerships, marital careers, and harmony between the sexes. He closes several chapters with predictions of what research might tell us in the next edition of ED. Contrary, however, to one of the cover blurbs, ED is no longer a shocker: The differences between the behaviors of our two genders and the evolutionary explanations for them have been caught naked in Time and Newsweek. Matrix could as well substituted genes for computers. Thus, any shock in ED comes not from our conduct but from science's finding good sense in what we do instinctively. 
    The rest of us will like ED but it's old news. We watch the nature shows on television, our kids compete to know all about dinosaurs, and we buy Scientific American's special issues about human evolution. Further, human gender stereotypes have always appeared in C&W tunes but now with an extra layer of detail: Chris Kagel refrains "'Cuz the girls love it" to questions about why men do dumb things. Dierks Bentley sings of a young girl who screams "Faster!" when her date races them in a truck through a cornfield at night with his lights off, eluding the cops.

    Human Mating Roles

    all heard the oft-cited gender role stereotypes. Men are promiscuous. Women are choosy. Biology programs men to want to widely spread their seed while women are programmed to want to guard their eggs. According to a new study these gender roles that sound oversimplified, are oversimplified.

    human mating behaviour

    human mating behaviour A new study by St Andrews academics challenges the long-standing expectations that men are promiscuous and women more particular when it comes to choosing a mate.The research suggests that human mating strategies are not likely to conform to a single universal pattern and provides important insights tat may impact future investigations of human mating behaviour.Dr Gillian Brown, from the School of Psychology, and Professor Kevin Laland, from the School of Biology, examined the evolution of human sex roles, assessing the universal applicability of the now famous research in 1948 by Angus J Bateman on fruit flies.

    Saturday, April 4, 2009

    human mating ritual

    THEY slap their fellow males on the back, sprawl across sofas and shoot repeated glances at target females. The moves of men on the prowl in bars have been analysed by academics using techniques more commonly associated with observing the mating rituals of apes and other wild animals.The researchers found that success came from expansive “dominant male” gestures towards fellow men. Leaving women in no doubt that they were the focus of attention was also key — 13 glances in half an hour was the average for a “pull”.

    Human Mating

    Human Mating you've never considered searching for a date in the lonely hearts columns, count yourself lucky. It's a jungle out there and that's scientific fact.Enter the world of lonely hearts and you take a trip back through your evolutionary past, where the veneer of civilisation is stripped away and men and women are slaves to their most basic instincts.